
Why Volunteer?

Being a volunteer can be rewarding in more ways than one, for example:

  • Children whose parents are involved in school tend to do better academically.

  • Get to know faculty and other parents.

  • Gain work experience through volunteering.

  • Know what is happening at you child’s school.

All CCISD Volunteers will be required to:

  1. Complete a Criminal Background Check. Background checks are valid for THREE (3) years.  Forms are available at the front office.  

  2. Attend a volunteer orientation for the 2022-2023 school year, prior to volunteering. There will be no exceptions!  Each volunteer must sign a form that will be given at the volunteer orientation acknowledging the procedures and guidelines of being a volunteer. This form MUST be completed annually.  

If you are interested in volunteering on our school campus please contact your Parent Coordinator,  Rebecca Thornton. Call 254-542-3070 or email Rebecca Thornton