As part of Read Across America week, Williams/Ledger Elementary held a character parade for kindergarten students, where they got to dress up as their favorite book character.

The 2024- 2025 Title 1 District Parent & Family Engagement Survey is available for you to give us your feedback! Each parent or family member can submit their own survey to best convey everyone's experience! Please complete this digital version or the paper version sent home with your student.

The Lost and Found is always accessible in the cafeteria for students and their family members to look through.
There is an increasing collection of clothing items! Please note that all items left behind during Spring Break will be donated.

Join WLE for Nacho Average Open House on Thursday, March 13th, from 5:00- 7:00pm. We will also have our Spring Title 1 Meeting at 5:30pm.

From Pre-K to high school graduation, Copperas Cove ISD is focused on preparing students for exciting opportunities in life after school. From a focused elementary literacy program to certifications in more than a dozen career pathways, Copperas Cove ISD is the district of choice in central Texas.

Join WLE for Nacho Average Open House on Thursday, March 13th, from 5:00- 7:00pm. We will also have our Spring Title 1 Meeting at 5:30pm.

Thank you to all of the families who came out to Williams/Ledger Elementary's science night and made the event a success.

Join WLE for Nacho Average Open House on Thursday, March 13th, from 5:00- 7:00pm. We will also have our Spring Title 1 Meeting at 5:30pm.

Bulldawg families, just a reminder that Spring Break is next week. This Friday will be a regular school day before the break, and classes will resume on March 24th.

This week, CCISD Superintendent Dr. Brent Hawkins, CFO Cliff Heath, Board President Joan Manning, Board VP John Gallen, Board Secretary Mike Wilburn and Trustee Heather Copeland are attending the National Association of Federally Impacted Schools conference, learning changes that are coming to Federal Impact Aid and meeting with local representatives about the needs of Copperas Cove students.

Join WLE for Nacho Average Open House on Thursday, March 13th, from 5:00- 7:00pm. We will also have our Spring Title 1 Meeting at 5:30pm.

Last week, our Kinder students took part in our Character Parade, dressed up as their favorite book characters!

CUB Garden Club will be hosting a plant sale during Open House this Thursday from 5:00- 7:00pm.

Want to learn more about CCISD's new Superintendent, Dr. Brent Hawkins? Learn about his story, his approach to public education and his family in this introduction video.

Copperas Cove ISD's award-winning Child Nutrition department has added two more to its trophy case, this time from the USDA.
Read more --> https://www.ccisd.com/article/2068728

Still looking for weekend plans? Come to Festival of the Arts TOMORROW at Copperas Cove High School!

Keep up with all things CCISD. The newest issue of Hawk's Talk is now live at www.CCISD.com/Superintendent.

Last month, our Adopted Unit participated in the student Valentine's Day celebrations and the basketball matches between staff and students. Our students greatly enjoy interacting with our Adopted Unit and it truly fosters a sense of community!

Don't forget, next week, classes will be competing in a penny war! Have your student bring in spare change and possibly win a pizza or popsicle party!

This week, trustees approved a $500 stackable stipend to any CCISD employee who recruits a professional staff member.
More information --> https://www.ccisd.com/article/2067348